I hear some people talking about how full they pack their stoves with wood- I'm guessing for longer burn times. I have a Kozy Z42 and I usually put between 3/4 splits in which lasts for maybe 2 hours of flame, sometimes more. When I load for overnight with these same amounts I have enough coals to get the wood started easily in the morning. My question is how full can you load the stove and still remain safe? I'm about to be on my 2nd year with ours so I'm still "green" on a lot of things. Is it safe to pack the stove as full as I can? I load E/W with splits that are appx 19" long so there is usually room on the sides for more if put in N/S on the sides. I'd say that mine is never packed full. Seems like I read somewhere about the possibility of overfire if packed too tight. I'd love for other z42 owners to chime in with their practices too.