The power company was cutting trees on my company's property. Everdently the arborist from National Grid came in & saw my secretary. Told her they were coming to trim & drop some trees that could interfere with the power lines. They gave her two options, cut & take everything away or leave the logs. She thought it was great that they would clean everything up & take everything away so she signed the paperwork to have everything removed! Turns out it was 62 trees....all large ash, oak, cherry & hickory!! I was out of town for two weeks & when I came back I caught them at the tail end of the cutting. I ran up to the foreman & offered cash. He didn't seem too happy & indicated that the paperwork had already been signed & they were almost done!! They dropped off a partial load for me. How many cords of wood will this turn into? Also what type of wood is it. I'm guessing mostly ash, and white oak. I wissed out on about 6 truckloads. When I say truckloads I mean large rolloff type containers I guess they hold 5 cords each. Where do these company's take these logs that they are basically getting for free? I gave the guy $70.00 cash and told him I would have cash for him everytime he had a load of logs. He never came back! Wood seems to be like gold these days. On my way home every night I see guys lined up allong the roads loading their pickups with wood left on other peoples property. Any thoughts on what type of wood this is & a guestimate on how many cords this might be? Now I need to buy a log splitter.