i have tried many different ways to remove ash so that it doesn't become airborne and travel into stove room. I realize some will happen, but think this could be improved further. Current method is scoop and old sauce pan. I go as slow as I can, put the cover on sauce pan before taking it out of stove (w/ fireplace glove on). Ash in saucepan then immediately is taken outside and put into metal garbage can with tight lid and is on stone surface. Typically, stove is at 150 or so degrees when I do this. My wood is mainly 20 % on fresh split (measured when outdoor temps were warm.)Also, try as I might, I usually get a small amount of fly ash that comes out of stove when I reload. Dusting my stove room weekly, I can see that I get some ash and soot on furniture. Is this all fairly normal or does this speak to any other issues I could be having. Stove is an insert with no ash lip so I know some stuff will get sucked into blower and then blown into room. Thanks