I know this topic has probably been discussed at great length. But in a nutshell its seems to me inserts burn way more efficient with longer burn times than freestanding stoves. Ive only had 1 insert and about 5 freestanding stoves. But that insert was unbelievable compared to the freestanding stoves. I have 2 neighbors that currently have inserts and they are both just fantastic. I currently have a freestanding and as i said have had several. Am I correct on my thinking about inserts being better. Neighbor just bought a kuma insert and after breakin period started with 12 to 14hr burns in 20 degree weather. He came back after 24hrs and still had hots enough to start a fire. Im not sure of firebox size but it didnt look that big to me definitely under 2 cu ft. So are inserts superior to freestanding and why.