I tried to fire up my Harman XXV today for the first time and I'm having some issues. No matter what I try as far as settings go, I keep getting a "Status 6" error. I've tried to turn my feed rate up to 6, room temp mode, 75 degrees, med fan.....after about 50 mins it shuts down with a "status 6". I've tried dropping the feed rate to 3. I've tried to increase the temperature, I've tried increasing and decreasing the fan...no luck. I keep getting the "status 6". I did install the outside air and I thought there might be an issue with that, so I unhooked it and ran off inside air....no luck, same thing. I've made sure the air vent is not stuck closed.
One thing I did notice....I timed my feed motor for when it was at feed rate 6 ....and when it was at feed rate 3. And they are virtually identical times. So to me this means that feed rate 3 should be ok....right?
I'm not sure what else to do.....PLEASE HELP
Thanks in advance,
One thing I did notice....I timed my feed motor for when it was at feed rate 6 ....and when it was at feed rate 3. And they are virtually identical times. So to me this means that feed rate 3 should be ok....right?
I'm not sure what else to do.....PLEASE HELP
Thanks in advance,