Hi, I just got a Treemont wood stove, and am unable to find any information on it. There is no data plate anywhere. I've attached pictures and am hoping someone might be able to tell me the function of two knobs I cannot identify. The inlet damper on the ash pan door and the flue damper at the back of the firebox are pretty straightforward, but the small slide above the side door does not appear to have a connection to the firebox. Does it add clean air to the flue? The pull knob above the front door moves a sheetmetal tray in the top of the firebox that has ports back to the flue cavity behind and above the firebox. In the sheetmetal tray is a 1/2" thick pad that is somewhat crumbly if you try to move it. Is this maybe a catalytic model? What am I supposed to do with these controls over the course of a burn? Any help would be greatly appreciated.