These are my home made kindling convectors, self named. I used trash cans from home depot and drill a few 1/4" holes in the very bottom to allow any water that got in to get out, and 15 1" holes around the top edge and 10 1" holes around the bottom edge. I filled them with debris from the hydraulic splitter and X25. Most of what i put in was fresh cut white/red oak from a log load. The logs were around 55% when i bucked them. I've had the cans sitting in the driveway in full sun since march. This morning i was reading this thread and got curious, ive been using this kindling for a few shoulder burns so i know its realllllly dry, but just how dry. Well it appears we have gotten WAAAYYYYY past equilibrium. I split a few of the larger pieces and found that i'm around 5-8%. My infrared thermometer was telling me the contents were at about 105 degrees late afternoon middle of august........ This stuff is like match light charcoal, i just hold a grill lighter to any bit of it an off it goes.