When you create a firewall in a (vertical) chimney chase, using ICC excel 6 inch pipe, I utilized the flat piece of metal with hole in it for the pipe to pass through. It is a ICC firewall support flashing. In order to use the firewall flashing you have to build a frame from 2x4s to nail the flshing to. What do you do about the 2x4s supporting the metal flashing piece? They are like 2 1/2 inches from the pipe. Is that sufficient clearance to not catch the 2x4 supports on fire. I have the same question about the excel radiation shield, it too is supported by 2x4's that are on 16 inch centers, leaving only 13 inches between studs for a 8 inch outside diameter pipe to pass through, add 2 inches on each side for minimum clearance = 12 inches total. That leaves me with 2 1/2 inches from either side of the pipe to the 2x4 support members. Is this ok?