I decided one year im not paying I can do thsi myself..well...I bought a new brush Which when new are stiff and maybe new a trimming for a smooth flight. Well I didnt kniw this and with reckless abandon got on my roof and shoved that sucker straight in
My chimney stands about thirty feet high with a bout fifteen of it free standing. It takes one ladd er to get on the roof another from the roof to the peak so lets say it gives a sense of vertigo and lacks a good foothold.
So I jam this brush in an meet some resistance about two feet down..no problem ill back it out and try again. Im still feeling good. Ok reverse thrusters. Pull..pull chit its not moving. Maybe it will go down now so I give it a little more mustard. Nothing. Oh boy! You know that feeling when u realize u may have just made a costly mistake. well I still didn't yet and back and forth I go, this dam brush wont budge either way the ladder is shaking and im starting to panic. Its mid December and im thinking all the worst possible scenarios.
So being a firefighter and knowledge about knots and leverage I rig a pulley system connected to the brush which is just within reach completely jammed in my liner. This will work. So I twist on my three to one advantage. ..holy smokes
Its lifting my entire liner out of the chimney. . Im cursing like a madman my neighbor is beside herself laughing but this chit is not funny, wtf am I gonna do. I was at this all day with no luck.
I did some soul searching, took a mental break and collected my options.. knock down too of chimney cut liner and pretend its supposed to look like that or regrettably call a chimney company who maybe has some experience with this. A cheap diy was now turning into a financial nightmare.
I spent the next three hours finding any one who sounded on the phone like they could even try to remove this brush for under 300 bucks which I would be ecstatic to pay at this point.