Liner for HI300 interior chimney 25 ft. 6in to wood insert

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New Member
Jan 20, 2016
New England
what would you all recomnnend the best liner for an hampton HI300, interior chimney 25 ft. long, 6in to wood insert? I plan on making my own backing plate with sheet metal and roxul insulation. I need to order the liner,(what website is the best to order from) I measured from cap of chimney to floor of fireplace to give me extra length to play with. Somthing thats going to last me a long time and with stand many cleanings.
The best liner for any wood stove in my opinion is a heavy flex liner. Rigid is as durable if not a little more so but it is much harder to install especially for an insert. And no matter what you choose either get it preinsulated of get an insulation kit for it. Really the only liner i would say to absolutely stay away from is the 2 ply smooth wall stuff.
my only other question is i can just about fit a 6in down the chimney, a pre insulated won't fit and im not sure if i wrap it myself, if that will fit also. So what are my other options stuff it with roxul.
my only other question is i can just about fit a 6in down the chimney, a pre insulated won't fit and im not sure if i wrap it myself, if that will fit also. So what are my other options stuff it with roxul.
What size liner is in the chimney now? A 6" wrapped liner will be about 7.5". If that wont fit we either break out the old liners or ovalize a liner. Usually that means going up to a 7" liner to maintain the needed volume but with your height on a hampton you could ovalize a 6" and be fine. You can also go down to a 5.5" liner with that stove at 25' but not all stoves allow that so if you replace the stove that would limit you options. Another option is duraliner it is a rigid preinsulated liner system that you can then put a section of their flex liner on the bottom to get hooked to the insert. And no stuffing roxul in there will not meet the insulation requirements of any liner system. And will also not take care of any clearance issues your chimney may have.
ok i figured the roxul wasn't the answer, there is no liner in there now, just the old clay lining. I'll go back up and double check to see if 7.5'' will fit.
if the clay liner is rectangular which is usually about 11 x 7 inside it will not fit if it is square 11x11 it should fit unless you have really bad offsets or something.
ok two things, I went back up to measure for the liner. #1 I have more then enough room for an insulated liner and #2 I don't have a clay liner. Is a clay liner needed ? Or is just the liner for the wood stove all I need.
ok two things, I went back up to measure for the liner. #1 I have more then enough room for an insulated liner and #2 I don't have a clay liner. Is a clay liner needed ? Or is just the liner for the wood stove all I need.
Nope no clay needed at all as long as you are installing a liner.
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