Log Load, 2016

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 5, 2005
Sand Lake, NY
Mostly oak, he said. For some reason the pulp mills don't like white oak.
Alas, the black flies are out.

[Hearth.com] Log Load, 2016
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Very nice! I would be getting that stuff CSS before it gets toooooo hot.......LOL
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No rush.
You should make the 1 June deadline no problem. There's a whole 3 day weekend in there.
Blackflies still bad? They showed up here even though our weather can't decide to be warm or cold. I usually react badly to bites on my legs and they got me:mad:
Blackflies still bad? They showed up here even though our weather can't decide to be warm or cold. I usually react badly to bites on my legs and they got me:mad:

My wife is the same way . . . she generally restricts herself to the screened in porch this time of year. The worse part for me is the swarming in your ears, mouth, nose, etc. . . . at least I get enough protein in this way as I generally end up swallowing several of the buggers during this time of year.
Good job !!
Lot of work and aren't you a tidy soul! How well do the inner piles dry?

It wont matter. So much wood there, by the time he gets to the center they will be dry ;)

OP excellent job!
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