richg said:
It's not just diesel costs or sawdust supply that's causing pellet supply issues. Manufacturers are shipping bulk pellets to Europe and making a killing, as the exchange rate on the euro is dang near 2:1 on the dollar. To me, that is out and out treason. Americans are paying close to $250.00 per ton in the northeast, and these dirtbags are selling pellets to foreigners.
Really, Treason?
It is unfortunate that this is happening, but I could hardly blame the manufacturers for capitilizing on the opportunity. Our leaders haven't really done the best job of setting up a good climate for selling their product, and they certainly haven't done a good job of maintaining the strength of the dollar.
Times sure are changing....
I went spent a month in Chiapas Mexico back in 1998 and it blew my mind that I wasn't able to get a decent cup of coffee down there. I was getting served SANKA for god's sake in one of the best coffee "hot beds" of the world. I asked some of the locals what the deal was and they said that 99.99% of the crop was exported to the US and the producers were able to get a much better price abroad.
These things happen in the World Economy. Maybe the silver lining is that if things keep rolling on the present course we'll get some manufacturing jobs back from China.