Long Island FREE wood! (Brookhaven residents only)

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Minister of Fire
Nov 6, 2012
Brookhaven, Long Island
Hey guys,
For anyone that lives in Brookhaven county on Long Island, the town is giving away FREE firewood tomorrow (Saturday 2/2/2013) and next Saturday (2/9/2013) from 8am to 12noon at he Landfill. They have tons of wood from clearing the streets and town property and didn't know what to do with it, so they are giving it away. It is NOT split.

More info:
(broken link removed to http://www.brookhaven.org/PressRoom/tabid/56/newsid970/1739/Supervisor-Romaine-Announces-Free-Firewood-Days-at-Town-Landfill-on-Saturday-February-2-and-February-9/Default.aspx)

See ya there in the morning, I'm getting a truck load, why not! ;)
I'm gonna bump this one up, if I may.

If I had room, I'd be there. But I'm still processing from Sandy.

This is a deal !
If anyone makes it there, try to take some pics.

There's also no mention if chainsaws are permitted. I went to one of these in northern VA a few years ago and no saws were permitted, so you had to load whatever you could somehow get into your vehicle/trailer.
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