My father-in-law has a long model 1662, and he really likes the catalytic combustor on my buck stove and he wanted to see if there was a way he could install that on his long 1662. Does anyone know if there is an insert for this or if he would have to get a whole new stove to have that feature? I know it greatly adds to the efficiency of my stove and allows me to easily heat my whole house with it. Thanks!
My father-in-law has a long model 1662, and he really likes the catalytic combustor on my buck stove and he wanted to see if there was a way he could install that on his long 1662. Does anyone know if there is an insert for this or if he would have to get a whole new stove to have that feature? I know it greatly adds to the efficiency of my stove and allows me to easily heat my whole house with it. Thanks!