Who has one ??
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How long do you wait for hot water ?
I need to upgrade my water heater this summer (2 teens......... long showers = no water left for me !)
Any brands to stay away from ?
I'm looking for a electronic ignition model with no standing pilot.
Need a size recommendation for a 2 1/2 bath house, for use where 2 showers will be on at the same time.
Thanks in advance !
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How long do you wait for hot water ?
I need to upgrade my water heater this summer (2 teens......... long showers = no water left for me !)
Any brands to stay away from ?
I'm looking for a electronic ignition model with no standing pilot.
Need a size recommendation for a 2 1/2 bath house, for use where 2 showers will be on at the same time.
Thanks in advance !