I usually load the stove up before bed after the 11pm news. That gives me about 5 hours of burn time, and I wake at 5AM to a glowing bed of coals. I purchased a case of those "eco-bricks" for $6.00 (12 bricks) gotta say it's nice to just toss two of those on the coals and go make a coffee while it gets rip roaring again. From there I start all over with my wood before leaving for work. I have to mix my very dry wood with my "somewhat" dry wood splits as I get down into my supply.
Anyone heating exclusively with the eco-bricks/logs and not using fire wood? I know there are dangers to over loading but using them is like instant heat. Just wondering if I should look for a cord of dry wood online or finish out the year with these bricks.
Anyone heating exclusively with the eco-bricks/logs and not using fire wood? I know there are dangers to over loading but using them is like instant heat. Just wondering if I should look for a cord of dry wood online or finish out the year with these bricks.