Hi Guy's. I have a EKO-25 with 500 gallons of storage. The issue I am having is controlling the temperature of the supply. At a cold start I need to lower the setting on the aquastat to get the circulator to pump the water. Then the temp of the water drops so much so fast at the beginning I need to dial it back again. And I need to keep doing this until I'm up around 190 stove temp and the water temp is about 165 to 170. I then set the aquastat higher so when the boiler runs out of wood it doesn't keep circulating the water from the storage tank back through the boiler and actually cause my storage tank to lose heat.
Its hard for me to explain I'm not a heating guy by any means. So I hope to get a digital aquastat if there is such a thing. To have multiple set points to do this for me. And I hope once you guys start responding that I can answer your questions and make thins clearer. Sorry for the crappy explanation to start.
Its hard for me to explain I'm not a heating guy by any means. So I hope to get a digital aquastat if there is such a thing. To have multiple set points to do this for me. And I hope once you guys start responding that I can answer your questions and make thins clearer. Sorry for the crappy explanation to start.