My 1000th Post

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  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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How apropos that my 1000th post comes on Christmas day 2012. Best and warmest wishes to one and all. This site has become a very important part of my life. Not just for all of the wonderful information it contains but more for the great people my wife and I have met, both in real life and in internet world. From Brother Bart to Pen to Ice, who alerted me of my 999 post, to Flatbedford to palletpete to Dave up in Alaska who I still say i will one day show up at his house and share a beer. To my wonderful friends Denis and Judy, my wife speaks of them as if they were down the street and asks me on random days about Denis' back and Judy's surgery and to Imacman (pete) who one day drove to my house to show me with great detail how to change a door seal on my pellet stove to Rory who has become a great friend who I can call and a the drop of a hat come over and help or offer to help with my many different projects and issues.
This is more than a site to me and my wife, its a way of life. From hearth to flooring to garden variety vegetables and how to prevent weeds and make our lawn greener.
Thank you to all of you for being there for us. May this site and all of its inhabitants be blessed in the company of loved ones on this day.
As i type this, both stoves are running warming our content hearts. With the help of Pen and many other 30 owners we decided on the 30 and are very happy with it. My Breckwell P22 I had before finding this site, but I have learned how to maximize its potential with the help of this site.

Warmest Wishes,
Franklin & Susi
Thanks Kat! Hope you had a great Christmas. Now you need to get ready to do some shoveling. Ha! This thing is going to miss us and we haven't plowed snow yet this year. Highly unusual but we are thankful for it.
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That is an awesome post right there ! this site is full of amazing individuals who go out of there way to help others many of whom have helped us as well. I hope you had a great christmas as well and thank you too. Congrats on the 1000 posts give it time and you will hit 21,992 :p

Merry Christmas
I found it hard to believe when I reached 1,000. Wondered if I should exercise (nah), then thought about taking up painting ( no talent), then considered whittling wood (terrible waste of wood). After all that contemplation, I realized just what you stated, good company, great advise, and all from the comfort of my wood heated house.

Congratulations on your 1000th post!
I have not read all of your posts on here but I am sure that your contributions on the site have helped others on their way towards a warm wood burning future. I have learned much from others on here, from safety to saving money thru wood. Congrats on your 1k posts.
Congrats! It took me 3 years to hit 1k just a few months ago, then I just got more into the site then ever this winter and looks like I'm going to hit 1500 by new years.

Your over the hump, it just gets better from here!!
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I'm not and never have been much of a joiner, but this site is almost like home. It's the people.
Plenty of other things to do in my life, but this place is just........comfortable.
It's the people.:)
Almost 5 years for me, and just getting near 4,000. Some of us got that in a much shorter time.
We'll keep it quiet re: the ones with a bazillion posts. :p
Thanks All. Well you know its a good site when even my wife or my boss from time to time when a question arises says something like, well ask one of your fellow wood junkies what they would do. I was talking to my boss about building something in one of our server rooms (data center) and he suggested I post something here and get advice. lol. Like PapaDave says, its the people that make this place.
Congrats Kat! I am approaching year 5 here and also my 5,000th post! I wish this place had been around back when I started burning wood as I would have been a much better and smarter wood burner! Like you I've met some people from here and a great bunch they are! I'll probably never have as many posts as some people here as my fingers don't like typing very much lol..

Congrats Kat - this time warp of a website has sucked me in for 6+ years and many thousands of posts. I would agree - its the people and the generosity of these people that has me hooked.
I can stop posting any time I want . . . at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Congrats Kat! I am approaching year 5 here and also my 5,000th post! I wish this place had been around back when I started burning wood as I would have been a much better and smarter wood burner! Like you I've met some people from here and a great bunch they are! I'll probably never have as many posts as some people here as my fingers don't like typing very much lol..


Geez Ray, you'll be passing me before too long. :rolleyes:
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