My first scrounge

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Dec 1, 2008
[] My first scrounge[] My first scrounge[] My first scrounge Went for a ride to get out of the house yesterday and seen where the utility company did some line clearing. So today I gassed up the truck and went scavaging.Got a nice load of a little of everything. Got a little oak, a little maple and what I think is some locus. And just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and it really did happen, I took some pictures. Not bad for my first ever scrounge. I also seen a fellen ash tree, I think i'm gonna go get it this weekend.
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I think I fixed it, just got the pictures before the storey. I guess better luck nect,.
That's more better!==c I see maple, (silver) oak, what I think is one of the red oaks, but I don't see locust, but I believes ya if ya says it there!;) Nice work. That oak will take up to 3 years to season. If it's silver maple and you split and stack in now where there is a lot of sun and wind, you'll burn it next burn season. Remember, the best device for measuring the moisture content of your firewood is a multi-year calendar. Welcome once again.
Nice scrounge!
Nice score
Nice full load
It's all BTUs ;)
What is the stuff with the dark nougat center, Walnut?

Well, I keep looking at it and I can't tell. Kinda looks like walnut but something just isn't right. I do see a couple of pieces that are gonna be "fun" to split. Some knots there.
I think so, too. What is the stuff with the dark nougat center, Walnut?

I'm not sure, that's what I thought was locus.but I'm new, My tree ID isn't the best.
It ain't locust, I thought hedge but I'm sure. On second and third look it ain't hedge either.

That one ,I didn't see any leaves help with ID.It was from a well manicured yard.
NICE !!!!

I thought locust, too, but could be wrong.

Not the last or first time ;lol
I think I see some cherry in there.
Mighty fine scrounge.
Didn't see any cherry but there is about 10 chunks of walnut in the last pitcher and maple. Not sure but I think The ones on the truck, going left to right close to the window, not for sue what the first one is but the next IS walnut and the one pointing up at the lights is walnut and the one running at a angle looks like what we call honey locust because of the orange center. I may be wrong on everything BUT the walnut.
Nice scrounge, your hooked
Is that thorns on those couple of rounds? Through my computer screen it sure looks like Honey locust, by both the bark & wood color. Ive held off responding, but the more i look the more it appears.

I'd agree that that one does appear to be a walnut & a cherry mixed in.
View attachment 93592View attachment 93593View attachment 93594 Went for a ride to get out of the house yesterday and seen where the utility company did some line clearing. So today I gassed up the truck and went scavaging.Got a nice load of a little of everything. Got a little oak, a little maple and what I think is some locus. And just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and it really did happen, I took some pictures. Not bad for my first ever scrounge. I also seen a fellen ash tree, I think i'm gonna go get it this weekend.
Looks like Honey locust, I have found all my fire wood within a mile of my house kinda like you have done, whenever I hear a chainsaw, I go try to find it. Sweet Find
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