Yes race fans, from the title of the thread, you can tell how much I love the 2010 Quad 4300 ACC. It eats a lot of wood, doesn't put out much heat, makes a ton of ash and unburnt coals, and even better, it rattles and hums like a marching band! The $300.00 blower moves less air than a mouse fart. Wow, I'm soooooooooooooo happy with this thing. NOT! After getting fed up with flushing $2300.00 down the toilet, I tinkered with the stove a bit....the primary air would not close all the way, so $1.25 in magnetic tape fixed that one and the runaway fire was tamed a bit. What was really strange was after taking the heat shields off, the stove was able to hit 600 degrees on the stovetop with no issue and the house actually got warm! After putting the heat shields back on, stove top temps are down to the 400's even with a raging fire. YES!