I bought a Napolean 1400 pedestal model free standing wood stove.Started it for the first time last friday and kept a great fire of 2 year old ,well season oak going for 3 days.Could only get the 1200 sq.ft. building to 60 degrees at 5 feet above the floor,and one foot out from the wall.Building is all insulated and with very little drafts.Had 1 blower on stove and to fans moving the air around.The manufacture said this should heat up to 2000 sq. ft. I kept filling the firebox about every 4 hours day and night.Ended up with a lot of ash at the end of the 3 days.I purchased this stove because of good things said on this site and I got what I feel is a deal $800.00 new at a local auction.Any ideas or help on getting more heat would be welcome.