In Northern Illinois, Nicor prices for natural gas have dropped to 45 cents/ therm, a new low.
In our bitterest, coldest Februrary, my house uses 200-250 therms of gas, or equivalently, about a cord of wood to heat. This plummetting price for N.G would price equivalent amount of wood at $100 - $125 a cord, or an entire winter home heating bill at about $500.
Damn, I've worked really hard to haul, cut, hand-split, stack my 4 cords of hardwood this summer --- and I'm not gonna be to excited to burn them when natural gas prices are this low. Would you guys keep your stove cool and turn on the furnace if you had the option to go either route, at these prices?
Although "off topic", I ust bought some stock in UNG (United States Natural Gas "exchange traded fund", which tracks the day-to-day price of natural gas) My thought is the price can only go up from here!
In our bitterest, coldest Februrary, my house uses 200-250 therms of gas, or equivalently, about a cord of wood to heat. This plummetting price for N.G would price equivalent amount of wood at $100 - $125 a cord, or an entire winter home heating bill at about $500.
Damn, I've worked really hard to haul, cut, hand-split, stack my 4 cords of hardwood this summer --- and I'm not gonna be to excited to burn them when natural gas prices are this low. Would you guys keep your stove cool and turn on the furnace if you had the option to go either route, at these prices?
Although "off topic", I ust bought some stock in UNG (United States Natural Gas "exchange traded fund", which tracks the day-to-day price of natural gas) My thought is the price can only go up from here!