Full open basement in use with new pellet stove in basement. Old pellet stove helped last year in off-setting cost of fuel oil with no modifications. New stove more than twice the BTU's. Stairs to upper floor of bungalow on opposite side of basement. Top of those stairs lead to open concept living/dining/kitchen area. Back hall leads to bedrooms/bathrooms (directly above new pellet stove). These back rooms are colder in winter than other parts of the house. Have opened cold return in basement to allow pellet stove heated air to migrate upstairs in winter. Would like to close off some HVAC registers in the basement to force more oil-heated air into the back upstairs rooms but recommendations are to not close more than 20% of existing registers. Will install fan at top of stairs from basement to draw more heat upstairs. Any recommendations on other steps I can take to distribute the heat from my pellet stove? Improved insulation is already on my agenda. Thanks so much for any suggestions... Nammy