Need Help with Heatilator PS35 Stove

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New Member
Dec 29, 2012
Elk Plain, WA
Had my PS35 for 2 years, installed in an otherwise unheated large shop/garage.

Recently it started having issues. It would start up fine but after the initial pot load was burned it would fail to continue feeding pellets and quit heating. I thought likely problem was the thermocouple. Replaced the thermocouple and yesterday the stove ran all day and into the night until the hopper load was exhausted. Thought things were good to go, but not.

Today,refilled the hopper and it won't feed pellets to even get a fire started. The thermostat is working (hear a click within the stove when it is cycled). Pushing the manual feed switch does not start the auger either.

Trying to avoid an expensive service call.

Any ideas where to look next. I'm hoping it's not a failed control board. Since the dealer charged me $63 for a simple thermocouple, goodness knows what a new board will be.

When was the last time you did a deep clean on the stove and venting, and how many bags have you put through the stove since then?
Could be pellets bridging in auger chute. Thoroughly clean chute, from auger down and from pellet drop (in stove) up.
I'll take a look at the auger screw and chute. I have had the auger jam on my Quadrafire before. Cleared it and was back in business. But in that case you could hear the auger trying to turn. In this case there is NO sounds of the auger motor trying to turn. I'm sure this is an electrical issue of some nature.

Unit burns and vents beautifully when it does work.

Estimate that I have run 60 bags through the unit to date. 2400#

imacman, you must live on this forum :-)
Just going by our recent experience, Tom....... our auger went from running fine to a dead stop (no noise from auger). I'd vacuumed from both ends and *knew* there were no pellets in there, but took a narrower vacuum hose to it (fed from the bottom) and got pellets out of both ends. Problem solved.
Thats good to know The Ds. Thanks for the reply!
clean the vent, clean the stove, remove the three inside panels, clean the exhaust port, and triple check your door gasket with a folded over dollar bill. Tighten the door handle if need be. Vacuum out the hopper.

If after cleaning you still have no ignition.

Remove the vacuum hose from the vacuum switch and blow through it towards the stove end, if this isn't easy to do, remove the end at the barb on the stove and use a toothpick or other device to remove the fines dust at the barb end and retry blowing through the hose, if it is still hard run something through the hose, re attach both ends and try again.
If after cleaning you still have no ignition.

Remove the vacuum hose from the vacuum switch and blow through it towards the stove end, if the augerthis isn't easy to do, remove the end at the barb on the stove and use a toothpick or other device to remove the fines dust at the barb end and retry blowing through the hose, if it is still hard run something through the hose, re attach both ends and try again.

Removed the auger and cleaned out the pellet chute. I'm up and running again. Thanks for all the suggestions. At some point soon I'll clean out the vacuum tube and other areas suggested also. Got work to do today!

PS I like this stove! Quieter than my Quadrafire.
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Bumping up an old thread. I have the PS35. The unit stopped working yesterday - after reading this thread and similar threads I emptied the hopper, vacuumed both ends, cleaned out the burnpot, exhaust vent etc.... I also took the vacuum line off and blew canned air through it. Does not work still. Any thoughts? I was told there is a way to test the auger using an external fuse but I cannot find that anywhere.... Any help would be great.
The unit is on its 3rd winter and I've used about 2tons of pellets through it with regular maintenance.

We have had a couple of pellet jams that needed an un-folded metal coathanger pushed up thru the pellet chute to break up the gentle with the coathanger till you get the hang of the chute.....and a cold stove,of course......And you probably ought to remove the ceramic cover from the thermocouple and tap it out...always a little ash in there....then,make sure when you are putting the cover back on that you make sure that the ceramic cover touches the end of the thermocouple on the inside of the cover...
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