Really, all I want to do is pre-buy for next year (not right this second, during spring or summer).I got plenty of pellets for this year. However have no idea how to go about doing the pre-buy thing or finding out what would be available in my area. I would also like to buy some of what people call "premium" pellets, even if for a bit more if possible. Yes I know HD had FSU's, got a bunch from them (still have 3/4 ton of them in the basement) This does me no good since I can't pre-buy from HD for next year.
Never heard of Perkins (not around me), HD, Lowes, TC etc are all 30 miles away so if I am going to pay for them to haul it here, I want some good stuff. If I have to shuffle it at 10-15 bags at a time when I am in town, I will take my chances at HD and not bother with pre-buy.
Pre-buy, how to go about it, that was the original question, not where it is at now. Sorry, but this is frustrating that the original OP asked a specific question about pre-buying, I reiterated that (twice even) and people are fixated on where to go now.