So I spent yesterday cutting a pass through hole at the stairwell to allow the heat to move to the upstairs better. Great results. Used to be around 65F and now it is 71-73F with the stove and fans running.
the problem is I cut the darn hole too big! I used the cardboard backing as a pattern not realizing it was too big. Now I need to find a register with outside dims around 26" x 14" or a little larger. Anyone know of where I can find one? the local big boxes only go up to 24"x12".
the problem is I cut the darn hole too big! I used the cardboard backing as a pattern not realizing it was too big. Now I need to find a register with outside dims around 26" x 14" or a little larger. Anyone know of where I can find one? the local big boxes only go up to 24"x12".