Just finished installing the storage tank for the froling fhg 40 turbo 3000. I used the boiler last winter without the storage. This proved a little problematic. There was some creosote around the loading door but not enough to create a mess. It was just a matter of scraping it off once in a while. This was caused by running the unit in slumber mode for 50% of the time. Since the storage unit has been installed there has been no creosote present at all. The froling unit now runs like a dream. The oil boiler has not fired up in over a week. I see a 50% reduction in wood over my previous boiler and if all indicators prove out, I should cut my oil bill from $3000 per year to $500. This is good since I use oil for domestic hot water in the summer. The initial cost of the install will be recovered in 5-6 years in savings on oil alone. The 50% reduction in wood is an added bonus not to mention the savings in work in time and handling. The tech support for the install came from the experts at "Rutter Urban Forestry". ( The boiler supplier) These guys wrote the book on customer support. I had a long list of questions and being the first guy on the east coast with this boiler I wanted to make sure I left no stone unturned. These guys came through in fine style. Mike and his team answered all my questions and even helped me find suppliers for some of the equipment that was hard to source in Newfoundland. Thanks mike to you and your team.