Hi, I'm Mike, joined here to do some research on a new wood stove. I currently have an old King Products MI2 and can't find much information on it online. Our house is ~3300 sq ft multi-level and although this thing works, it's far from efficient and is a bit on the small side so it takes quite awhile to get it where I like the temperature to be. I burn mostly oak but mix in some pine, cedar and occasionally other hardwoods when they fall in my lap. I'm not picky and generally take what people would like to be cleaned from their yards.
Let me know if anyone has info on the King MI2, trying to determine if it's worth sprucing up or if I should drop the coin for a new box.
Let me know if anyone has info on the King MI2, trying to determine if it's worth sprucing up or if I should drop the coin for a new box.