Hello everyone, I just found this site and after searching the internet and not finding any real answers I figured maybe I could post in here and someone would know something. We just moved to a new home and to had an existing Heatmor wood boiker outside probably about 50ft from the house. After moving in we were informed that it wasn't hooked up properly and we wanted to have someone go through it and give us the run down before we started using it. We had someone come out and hook it new feed and return pex lines a flat plate heat exchanger. Now the lines come in through the circulator pump to the heat exchanger then into the furnace where there is a temp gauge. I have the stove set to 190* and I'm noticing that the temp at the furnace when I just use the boiler is usually around 120* I figured that was a dramatic loss for only having the stove 50 or so feet from the house. On top of that I feel that I'm burning through wood at a rate that I'm not seeing other people mention. To keep the house at 70 degrees during the day I'm loading the stove at least 4 or 5 times a day and if I kid it at night (usually around 10 or 11) taking a hot shower in the morning is almost impossible because the stove has burnt out the house has dropped to 60 degrees and the incoming water temp is around 120 if not a little less. Also after everything was installed the basmement furnace kept kicking on even though the aquastat was set way below what the water temp was. I'm a tad overwhelmed and very confused. Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!