Friend of mine picked one of these up and thought it was pretty cool. He buys 2 cycle oil by the quart to run in his '78 Suzuki GT750 so he figured this would be an easy and cheap way to measure out a bit of oil for the little bit of gas he needs to run his chainsaw and trimmer. I was intrigued enough that I had him pick me up one. He gave it to me in exchange for sharpening the saw so I say I did pretty well!

I think I might give it a try just for the fun of it. I typically blow through a gallon can of mix in a weekend when I'm actively cutting. Otherwise I might get 2 weeks out of 1 gallon, or I might get 2 days. This tool is obviously intended for those who need to mix small quantities rather than guys like me where sometimes a gallon can seems inadequate. But I could see it being useful for mixing oil a gallon at a time when the oil container doesn't have a measuring system built in.
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