I'm the not so proud owner of the dreaded #2421 boxstove. It's non-EPA and
I picked it up Black Friday 6 weeks before it was illegal to sell in the States.
I took the thing apart and leveled all the sealing surfaces and used both gaskets and cement to
tighten it up. The burners and center plate all fit loose and that was addressed.
The lower ash drawer plate thingie was a wind tunnel and it was completely blocked off.
5 labor hours later it was declared safe. LOL (And it has been very controllable and safe thus far.)
Works great and is predictable now.
Our friends at US Stove Company have "caught up" with an EPA approved stove of death.
The new headline maker for making peeps homeless is the #2469 E.
This thing is mainly identical to my unit! The trap door has been removed but two non adjustable
holes are in the door now. They really don't like these things to go out apparently.
Mine didn't have a lower door gasket at all, and likely this one either. Couldn't see from
the pics on the website with the door open.
I'm glad mine has the screw type air intake adjuster coupled with the blocked off bottom.
I think they took a step backwards or sideways. It still can't be shut down and has the same
cheesy decoration cast into the side. lol US Stove----made in china
Burn 'em if ya got 'em,
Edit: Also the two stoppers in the damper walls were ground out on mine for use as
a full shutdown/ "chimney fire oxygen stopper".
It's a good bet those are still there in the updated unit. I just can't see this thing making EPA regs.
The Ace Hardware website shows it at $100 higher than the pre- EPA unit for the 27" box (1600ft2)
The previous $299 will still getcha the 23" firebox and is rated at 900 ft.
I picked it up Black Friday 6 weeks before it was illegal to sell in the States.
I took the thing apart and leveled all the sealing surfaces and used both gaskets and cement to
tighten it up. The burners and center plate all fit loose and that was addressed.
The lower ash drawer plate thingie was a wind tunnel and it was completely blocked off.
5 labor hours later it was declared safe. LOL (And it has been very controllable and safe thus far.)
Works great and is predictable now.
Our friends at US Stove Company have "caught up" with an EPA approved stove of death.
The new headline maker for making peeps homeless is the #2469 E.
This thing is mainly identical to my unit! The trap door has been removed but two non adjustable
holes are in the door now. They really don't like these things to go out apparently.
Mine didn't have a lower door gasket at all, and likely this one either. Couldn't see from
the pics on the website with the door open.
I'm glad mine has the screw type air intake adjuster coupled with the blocked off bottom.
I think they took a step backwards or sideways. It still can't be shut down and has the same
cheesy decoration cast into the side. lol US Stove----made in china
Burn 'em if ya got 'em,
Edit: Also the two stoppers in the damper walls were ground out on mine for use as
a full shutdown/ "chimney fire oxygen stopper".
It's a good bet those are still there in the updated unit. I just can't see this thing making EPA regs.
The Ace Hardware website shows it at $100 higher than the pre- EPA unit for the 27" box (1600ft2)
The previous $299 will still getcha the 23" firebox and is rated at 900 ft.
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