Newb ? Small ZC insert in Heatilator HB36AI

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Jul 19, 2016
Hi been reading threads and now think I am ready to try and make our pre-fab Heatilator HB36AI better at heating with an insert. I just have a couple of questions:

1. I see in the new manuals that the Heatilator can accept a wood insert as the fireplace is UL 127 listed. Correct?
2. I have had conflicting conversations where the louvers on top can be covered with surround trim of the insert and another place said the bottom louver can be left open and the top closed while another place said both top and bottom louvers on the heatilator fireplace need to be left open. Who's right? What do I do with the p[re-fab louvers? I'm going to have the insert professionally installed no matter what.
3. Looks like the Regency i1200, the Lopi Small Flush hybrid, and the Ironstrike Striker C160 will fit. Any good or bad on those models?

I understand I'll need to have the hearth extend on the floor, heath pad or hearth rug ok or just get new tile?
Looks like the inserts requires an insulated liner to go in the 8" heatilator flue.

Anything else I should be asking the stores and installers? A permit is required from the city for installation and is included in the sale price.

What else?
Thanks so much. [] Newb  ? Small ZC insert in Heatilator HB36AI
Contact them. They may be ok or may only approve H&HT wood inserts like Quadrafires.
7571 215th Street West
Lakeville, MN 55044
Customer Service: 1 (800) 927-6841
Open the lower louver and see if the floor of the Heatalator will handle the weight of the new insert, and the weight of the insulated liner.
The instruction manual for your fireplace very clearly says on page 21
"Do not use a fireplace insert or products specifically tested and listed for use in this fireplace"

So unless you call heatilator and get an ok from them in writing you can not do it and meet code.
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Shop at your local hearth store and have them install it. They are the professionals and will install it to specs and arrange to get it approved by the local building inspector.
yeah second column about halfway down on page 21
Good eye, thx. It's very odd that this sentence is buried in the home owner instructions on how to operate the fireplace.
Good eye, thx. It's very odd that this sentence is buried in the home owner instructions on how to operate the fireplace.
Yeah I know they bury it allot of times.

Shop at your local hearth store and have them install it. They are the professionals and will install it to specs and arrange to get it approved by the local building inspector.
In order to meet code you would need to have the manufacturer ok it in writing. No one but them can over ride their instructions. It cannot be installed to specs because as it stands the specs say you cant do it. And yes there are "pros" that will do the install anyway but that does not mean it is ok meets code or is safe.
Spoke with Heatilator on the phone today. They said it is fine as long as the insert is approved for use in a pre-fab zero clearance and lists the fireplace as compatible with the insert. Also it would need a new liner in the chimney (obviously) and be the insert installed per its manual spec.
Thanks for the help
Spoke with Heatilator on the phone today. They said it is fine as long as the insert is approved for use in a pre-fab zero clearance and lists the fireplace as compatible with the insert. Also it would need a new liner in the chimney (obviously) and be the insert installed per its manual spec.
Thanks for the help
That is cool but make sure you get it is writing. Unless you get that if anything ever happens you will have no proof they gave you the ok and you could get screwed. Good luck to you.
Spoke with Heatilator on the phone today. They said it is fine as long as the insert is approved for use in a pre-fab zero clearance and lists the fireplace as compatible with the insert. Also it would need a new liner in the chimney (obviously) and be the insert installed per its manual spec.
Thanks for the help
My insert is installed in a Heatilator A36R. It's not flush, but it has room to load front to back, which I like a lot.
You also need to have the whole system fully inspected to make sure it is still in good repair and that it was installed properly to begin with. We see quite a few of this type of unit where the required clearances where not met originally.
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