Recently purchased baker coal insertF/my fireplace whats the deal w/burning wood in it? Most say yes but it is always said with a whine in their voice sort of like I'm commiting some minor sin.Guy that sold me the unit (Coal company in business 40 years) said yes also said I need not liner to roof but must put pipe up at least 6 ft. into chim. (clay liner in ex. cond.) getting fireplace rebricked as heatolater was there and was reemoved got price and asked about liner go to roof said good idea/won't hurt pressed said 6ft. up should be no prob. also said clay liner in good shape.any comments on baker insert paid lot of $$$ but it looks like it will last mylifetime and probally my grandsons lifetime too.Doing install myself retired auto., heavy equip.,master mechanic so I know my way around a hammer and wrench but I'm never too old to listen & learn so any comments are welcomed and very nuch appreciated