i am looking at someone's Long Silent flame 1662 insert they have for sale. First question is are these long lasting good heating boxes? Are they very efficient? Is there any issues or tricks to installing them typically? I am looking to put it in an existing fireplace that originally had a and insert firebox in it from when I was a kid around the 1980s. The people who purchased the house for my family had taken it out and got rid of it as they didn't know what they were doing with it. I had purchased the house from them and want to put another wood burner back in it to heat about 1200 SF. I found this silent flame used unit for a really good price and it seems to be something I could use to heat that area well. I am looking for some people that know something about these inserts that could give me some information/good tips on these boxes. I see the company is out of business but seems like you can get quite a few parts if needed for repairing them when the time would come. I have Thulman insert in there now which I believe was the original insert that was put in on the house is built and 74. And then my parents had put in the wood burning insert inside that. My flu seems to be a pretty good size. I believe it is close to 6–8 inches. It is one that has the very large cast-iron handle that you open it with. The guy selling the long insert stated that the insert has its own flu. How would I open my flu or what I remove the handle from the one in the original insert and allow the long insert to open and close on its own system when I am using it? Any input would be greatly appreciated and if anyone would have an owners manual for it I would greatly appreciate it if you could email me a copy. Thank you in advance.
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