My sister is in that exact same situation in Ottawa. Her place still gets quite cold, and requires a fair amount of heat. She is about the same size, but is built on a slab, finished first floor with unheated garage, and two upper floors, sliding glass doors on first upper floor.. Common wall on each side. Not exposed site. Built within the last ten years, premium building for this day and age (HA!). Were she putting in a stove, I'd advise the PH. New Hampshire can get pretty cold, too. Whether PH is overkill depends on exposure and construction, as well as fenestration and entrances, presence or absence of attached unheated garage and whether such a garage door is opened several times a day, and also ease of moving heat around the home and heat loss with install in an unfinished basement. Unless I was quite sure I would be fine with the Fireview, or didn't mind low temps in the bedrooms, I'd go with the PH. Quite sure I'd be OK with the Fireview, or don't mind risk of low temps, then I'd go with the Fireview.IF the $400 was an issue. PH still uses significantly less wood than Fireview, and heats faster from a cold start, which are benefits. Nice a tthe condo if he could store enough wood for the season on his property. More apt to be able to do so with PH. Also less frequent tending of the stove becasue of longer burns, so if he spends long hours away from home,PH may prevent back up heat from coming on. Over a few years, use of less wood makes the stove pay for itself. Pays for itself a lot sooner if back up heat is required less, or not at all.
Fireview is rated something like 900 to 1600. Pluses that he is minus two outside walls. Minuses that he is placing the stove in an unfinished basement and needs to get heat up to two additional floors. His area approaches the upper limit of the rating, which is admittedly a conservative rating. . Plenty have heated larger areas comfortably, but a few have been unable to heat the upper limits of the rated area because of quirks of layout or construction. So it is nice the PH is available.
Both are very nice stoves. .