Hello All, I'm new here . I am using an old ( approx 25 years ) VC Winter Warm fireplace system which I installed myself all those years ago. This is the type that fits inside the large metal cabinet, which in my case was built through the wall into an external chimney chase. It has served us well and is not our only source of heat , but we do enjoy using it quite a bit. Over the years I nave replaced the Cat, all the gaskets when needed. Some internal parts have warped and now it seems impossible to get replacement parts, so we were thinking it might be time to consider replacing it . Is there anything out there that would fit into that cabinet without my having to completely tear out the entire unit ( and with it a big chunk of my living room wall ) ?????? Any advice would be greatly appreciated ! Any suggestions as to a dealership in my area ( NE New Jersey ) would also be helpful also. Thanks So Much