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Minister of Fire
Jun 25, 2013
Collegeville PA
[Hearth.com] Osage? [Hearth.com] Osage?
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Kinda what I thought, I've cut a little mulberry but never Osage. I left the job I'm running for almost 2 weeks while the clearing guys finished and he left me a pile to cut. Said he would leave Osage and some red oak. I'll take mulberry, it's between red and white oak for btu's. I got back there today and brought a load home. I'll be cutting another pickup load again tomorrow, and the next day...etc :)
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I agree looks like mulberry, still very good wood nice score.
Ill take it if u do not want it........LOL
Oh no... I want it lol. I thought it was mulberry just hoping it was Osage. I only ever cut one mulberry that blew down in my yard a few years back, before I knew what it was ( before I found this place ) :) Got some red oak in the log pile they left me too. I'll put it in the 18-19 stack when I get it split up, brought home another 1/2 pickup load today
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