Just had somewhat of a close call. Had my VC Vigilant running good and steady today and after stacking some wood went down to check on her. To my surprise the thermo was reading 560 and I new something was up because it hadn't been that an hour ago and the stove should have been coming off it heating cycle. I cracked the door just to see in because the stove was in horizontal combustion and didnt want any smoke to poor in. As soon a i cracked the door, i immediately saw a runaway fire, everything in the firebox was was roaring. I ran outside to see if smoke or anything was poring out of the chimney maybe indicating a chimney fire, but it was completely normal. Than i went back in closed the air supply off and the fire kept going strong. I switched the damper open and went back outside. A good amount of smoked was released like it had been stuck (no smoke was coming inside from the stove though?). I let the fire burn with the damper open and air supply off for a few than closed off the damper and now everything is working fine. What the hell could have happened? my griddle temp went to 560ish when i went down and the black pipe was reading 380-400. I had the air shutter set to half open just to maintain good heat, was this my problem...just simply too much air? Or could I had had a problem with loosing all of my draft? I was starting to feel comfortable with the idea of running the stove when i leave my house, but now im a little reluctant again. Any opinions on this would be appreciated.