I just installed an FP25 in my living room and I'm curious about real world experiences with pe' s extended burn technology. I've read about how it works. What I suppose I'm wondering is how far real world users are able to turn down their stoves and still get clean combustion. So far, I haven't had difficulty controlling the fire for a cleaner burn, and it seems to have a bigger range of clean burning settings than does my 30NC, which seems to either have stove top temps at 750 or lose secondaries. However, it doesn't seem to act any differently than what I would think a fireplace without this sort of thing on it would. I don't think that anything has changed since, however, my stove has a manufacture date of 02/2015 according to the docs with the stove. Must have been sitting in a warehouse somewhere for awhile, as I just received it about a month ago.