I am looking at the pacific energy line of stoves and have narrowed my choices down to the super 27 or the summit. Also with either one what do you experts think about getting the ash pan and the blowers as extras? Are they really needed and could they be added later? My wife wants the pedistal with either one. I will be putting the stove in the basement of a ranch house 1400 squ. ft. up stairs and 1400 down. that has forced air and heat pump. I can use the circ. fan to circ. the air as well as open all the vents. Currently using a Vermont castings rad. propane stove in basement, but can no longer afford the propane and with Pennsylvania deregulating electric rates in the next 2 years I won't be able to aford the electric either. Also, give me a ball park figure on prices if you can. Thanks, AJ.