Well I did my first LONG burn In the NC 30 new install went pretty well, I have read a lot of posts about burning paper Bu.tttttttt not like this. {See picks} I am a printer of news papers so I got this idea as these spent cores {that we throw out} I could find away to use these and heat my house with out using a lot of wood. And here’s what I did, spit and shoved a piece of wood into roll end {no ink on roll ends virgin paper you can nail these like wood} I stared a fire at 9 pm and at 11 pm I had a good coal bed going, {using wood} and I shoved in three logs {as in pictures} and turned air down. Went to bed at 2:30 am {after repeated checks on stove} and managed to get up at 11 am {night shifter} and I will be dang if stove was not still hot. Opened the door racked ash, and the wood I shoved down core {12 in length} was red hot on all three cores 18 hours later stove was cold .now I do relies that it only got down to 52 degrees but I believe this went really well. So I am seeking the advice of you long time wood stove experts, and also the I tried burning paper experts, do you see a problem? I also see more ash but I don’t mind an extra cleaning a week. Now I don’t have the room to store these cores inside, butt I can bring home every night up to twenty cores our more. I also use chop saw to cut cores to length along with wood insert.
Thanks Larry
Thanks Larry