My fireplace used to be an old open cooking fireplace dating from the late 1700's. Later, a brick firebox was built inside the larger opening. They put lath and plaster over that entire wall.
I've torn down the plaster and lath, and see the mortar work between the bricks, that was intended to be hidden, looks very porous.
I need to make sure I'm not just sucking all the hot air up into the chimney through the porous brickwork. I was thinking I should try to airseal it. Parging is the only way I can think of to do this. It's right above the fireplace insert, which is attached to a top sealed chimney liner.
If I parge, is there something special I should add to the mortar? Is there another solution to this?
I've torn down the plaster and lath, and see the mortar work between the bricks, that was intended to be hidden, looks very porous.
I need to make sure I'm not just sucking all the hot air up into the chimney through the porous brickwork. I was thinking I should try to airseal it. Parging is the only way I can think of to do this. It's right above the fireplace insert, which is attached to a top sealed chimney liner.
If I parge, is there something special I should add to the mortar? Is there another solution to this?