We have a new Quadrafire Classic Bay 1200. Just started running it this week, and for the past two days it just burns and burns and burns. I had it on Low and Low until yesterday when I switched it to medium and high blower to see if that would help. I cleaned out the ashes and the burn pot and started her up. But it still just keeps running. I don't even know if that is normal? The manual seems to indicate that it should cycle like a furnace does- reach desired temp and turn off. BUT, it never reaches the desired temp. We are heating a 2000 sqft ranch home, so well within the abilities of the stove. It has been in the 40s here, and we have a well insulated house- so it seems reasonable to expect it to get above 70 in the room it is burning in. (Open den area in the center of the home.) Within 24 hours we burned 40 lbs, keeping den at 70 and rest of the house about 62 maybe. Again, maybe that is normal and our expectations were just too high?
It doesn't seem to burn very hot to me. Though what do I know being new to this! But on medium, the flame rarely stretches above the top of the burn pot. (Should it go higher?) Burning soft Isabella pellets. It is a corner install with a straight 12" vent then has a 45 elbow through the thimble to outside.
I can't think of any more info to add. Thanks for any advice you can give me- even if you are only telling me it is all normal and I need to lower my expectations
It doesn't seem to burn very hot to me. Though what do I know being new to this! But on medium, the flame rarely stretches above the top of the burn pot. (Should it go higher?) Burning soft Isabella pellets. It is a corner install with a straight 12" vent then has a 45 elbow through the thimble to outside.
I can't think of any more info to add. Thanks for any advice you can give me- even if you are only telling me it is all normal and I need to lower my expectations