Plastic Wrap

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 5, 2005
Sand Lake, NY
I think plastic wrap has potential.
Last fall I wrapped two pallets of wood with plastic and put a top of plastic on top with space for ventilation. I did it in case I run out of wood I have in the garage.
The plastic wrap shields the wood from blown snow and maybe helps to keep it from falling over. I wonder if it would hold if it was stacked on one pallet and was moved with a tractor with forks?

I just did it again, see picture. I wrapped it with a first starting from the bottom to top, figuring that if rain gets on the outside, it will stay outside. Then, I put a piece of 5 mil plastic on top and affixed that with another wrap of plastic. There's ventilation from the bottom, through the pallet and through the top.

Note: The wood is totally seasoned.

[] Plastic Wrap
v,....not bad......i like to keep things dry from snow n rain as well. I'm looking into this moving thing as well. i'm thinking wrapped in a piece of fence for transporting. Might tighten it up with a comealong for the ride.We'll see how it works...... A few years back i found some billboard tarps on the site here and picked up a few. They are thick and durable, UV resistant and last a long time. Large and heavy. I think 14 x 40 or so and you could cut them down for the top of you piles. Working great for me. 4 or 5 seasons on 1 tarp and still going.....rn
If you're going to experiment, I'd suggest the plastic wrap, if only because I'M curious if it would work, lol.
The plastic wrap takes a minute to put on.
I did a stretch wrap solar kiln last year and moved it with a forklift. Worked amazingly well for drying and moving it was a breeze. Did 2 pallets worth. Temp got up to 168 once when I checked it.
I did a stretch wrap solar kiln last year and moved it with a forklift. Worked amazingly well for drying and moving it was a breeze. Did 2 pallets worth. Temp got up to 168 once when I checked it.
I'll have to look for that thread. I figure it's still good to have ventilation, but the top plastic is black. Wasn't trying for a kiln effect, but if it happens, hey that's good.
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