Hi wondering if anyone has any solutions for a wood stove that has burnt some varnished or stained (don't know which) furniture in it and now every time I start a fire the whole house stinks strongly of toxic fumes and chemicals. I have had multiple fires with normal firewood since the treated furniture fire thinking that with enough repetitive heat that the chemicals would burn off and go away.. however this is not the case.
Is the inside of the wood stove itself coated in a film of toxic chemicals? or is it the chimney? I can't tell. Either way I have to immediately open all the windows to avoid getting poisoned every time I start a fire (which is counter productive to heating the house).
I don't know what to do, any suggestions?
Is the inside of the wood stove itself coated in a film of toxic chemicals? or is it the chimney? I can't tell. Either way I have to immediately open all the windows to avoid getting poisoned every time I start a fire (which is counter productive to heating the house).
I don't know what to do, any suggestions?