Doesn't take much to make my day..
Today the conversion kit I ordered to add onto my gas generator arrived.
I am so relieved that it doesn't void the warranty from Briggs and S. (They were the ones who gave me the name of the company who sent the kit.)
Great company by the way. Gave me a 40% discount so kit ended up costing me 150.00.
Now if I can just get someone who knows how to do the switch I'll be set. I took kit to a retired friend of mine who was a mining engineer and he said he would take a look. He and I are both leery of messing with it if there are any questions about safety. He has lived through enough explosions to last him the rest of his life. :ahhh:
I, personally, do not want to experience any explosions bigger than fire crackers on my property. 8-/
Thanks to whoever suggested converting it on my other generator thread. I can't wait to drain the gas and store the whole thing in the back of my shed with a tank of propane near by. :coolsmile:
Today the conversion kit I ordered to add onto my gas generator arrived.
I am so relieved that it doesn't void the warranty from Briggs and S. (They were the ones who gave me the name of the company who sent the kit.)
Great company by the way. Gave me a 40% discount so kit ended up costing me 150.00.
Now if I can just get someone who knows how to do the switch I'll be set. I took kit to a retired friend of mine who was a mining engineer and he said he would take a look. He and I are both leery of messing with it if there are any questions about safety. He has lived through enough explosions to last him the rest of his life. :ahhh:
I, personally, do not want to experience any explosions bigger than fire crackers on my property. 8-/
Thanks to whoever suggested converting it on my other generator thread. I can't wait to drain the gas and store the whole thing in the back of my shed with a tank of propane near by. :coolsmile: