Great site. I'm learning a lot from you folks.
I have a gas furnace (about 20 years old) in the basement, radiators on the first and second floors. When I start it up, the pressure goes up high pretty fast and the water starts coming out the relief valve. I got a water pressure meter from Lowes hooked up to the laundry sink. It says 90 psi. The expansion tank (Extrol) seems ok from the "knock" test (which I learned on this site! thanks!), the bottom sounds hollow and the top thuds. Any idea what the problem is?
I have a gas furnace (about 20 years old) in the basement, radiators on the first and second floors. When I start it up, the pressure goes up high pretty fast and the water starts coming out the relief valve. I got a water pressure meter from Lowes hooked up to the laundry sink. It says 90 psi. The expansion tank (Extrol) seems ok from the "knock" test (which I learned on this site! thanks!), the bottom sounds hollow and the top thuds. Any idea what the problem is?