Last year was the first year I've had a wood stove and we bought a magnetic thermometer. Tried to keep the fire between the 300 and 500 degree range but had poor quality wood sometimes and had issues. Either way we have 9ft ceiling at the low wens where the stove is. Stove sits 3 feet high, then 4 feet of single wall pipe followed by 2 feet of double wall before it goes into a ceiling box and outside 4 more feet of double wall pipe. Great draft despite being shorter run. I have over described my setup for a probably simple answer for you all. What is going to be the better option for a flue thermometer? Magnetic or probe type? I used magnetic last year and after a year of burning the chimney only had about 1/8in of soft powdery buildup which easily brushed out. My kids decided to take down my magnetic thermometer and spin it around until the spring fell out. Shopping for a new one and wondered which is the best option.