Folks here will probably find this article interesting about efforts to get cleaner burning stoves in use in developing nations.
This mirrors similar ongoing efforts that get occasionally reported on to get residents in such areas access to electricity. Without enough demand to support the costs of building and maintaining a regular electric grid, this typically ends up being very small solar setups that can charge a phone or laptop, and run a battery powered light in the evening. In primarily bartering-based economies, it can be extremely difficult to save up enough money to buy an imported product like a solar panel and rechargeable light, but families that can replace a kerosene lamp often save enough to make it worthwhile in less than a year.
No doubt they face a similar challenge for improving their heating and cooking - not just to reduce their fuel costs through more efficient burning, but to improve their health, as well.
This mirrors similar ongoing efforts that get occasionally reported on to get residents in such areas access to electricity. Without enough demand to support the costs of building and maintaining a regular electric grid, this typically ends up being very small solar setups that can charge a phone or laptop, and run a battery powered light in the evening. In primarily bartering-based economies, it can be extremely difficult to save up enough money to buy an imported product like a solar panel and rechargeable light, but families that can replace a kerosene lamp often save enough to make it worthwhile in less than a year.
No doubt they face a similar challenge for improving their heating and cooking - not just to reduce their fuel costs through more efficient burning, but to improve their health, as well.