I love my stove - love the heat, love the coziness, love how relatively quiet it is. What I don't love is the smell. I have read many times over that there should be no smell from a pellet stove but it seems we have always had one - always. No matter what we do we can not get rid of that burning smell. We have checked every inch of pipe, sealed and resealed them, checked all the seals on the stove. How do we still get a smell? Recently it wasn't just an ignition smell but an exhaust smell. Made my house smell like a campfire. How is that even possible that the exhaust would mix with the hot air coming from the stove? All I can think of is that the smell is getting blown back in through the soffits but it doesn't seem like it should be such a strong smell if that is the case. What else can it be? How can I fix this? Please - any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you! Everyone here has always been so helpful.